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Zheyi amazing strength, at least fifty thousand more than the power of crystals ! Breakthrough of the level of God, can be said to be asking for the moon Mo Yan, the repair is big into. tory burch outlet Force itself on tough, especially law comprehend more ninety-nine law of the other side of the bridge, very amazing, tough side of the bridge also created a tory burch sale than ordinary monks of God to be a lot worse. This is not difficult to understand, to comprehend the general rule is that a dozen monks road, but the law is not enough concise, composition rules are not strong enough.

To know the concept of God is coming from the other side,tory burch outlet online, from the moment of God, all read the force and rules are gone, lost in the previous reading ability among the other side, while the other side of the law and become a bridge between the reality. Bridge wider, more thick, the greater carrying capacity, the concept of God, the stronger its load, the greater its potential for cultivation. Mo Yan finally realized this when the red elder pains, guess pas cher inherent in the previous law again after tearing concise, patterned after the previous law decomposition re- build, red elder has stressed the need to lay a solid foundation, the original role here.

The monks and generally comprehend the law,tory burch sale, how the law is too concise and Mo Yan par ? Therefore, the same level of God monks, Mo Yan's concept of God force many times stronger than ordinary monks, if it is a battle of wits, Mo Yan a person can even dozen to several monks level of God, this is Mo Yan tough place. Once the monks of God, they broke a lot of boundaries, Mo Yan has been unable to practice before the big void character, now he can finally practice, and, previously unavailable Royal Air flight, and now Mo Yan can easily conquer the air.

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