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com big Kamo see in the eyes,nike shoes, thinking that this trick really for school army soldiers as a deterrent, they began a large-scale expansion of the airport. And forced a lot of countries around the people of Changsha airport for these human shields cover. So, just ten days time, Changsha surrounding it once more three airports. But at this time, Hiroshige Marshal Zhang Department launched a surprise attack, immediately and directly lead to a number of tragedies caused by Yamada Island United and United is the military, students and soldiers to surround and annihilate even death. Students and soldiers army military implementation of the photo on the ri Raiders have not lost sight of the ri Army in Hunan Province, and, for the thirty-fourth division forced the country to protect human flesh airport people move, especially in the dissemination of the military, students and soldiers to indicate on the picture in Hunan Province, said the thirty-fourth division move and Island United, Yamada United Tu jab unarmed civilians xing quality, if the Department ri army unrepentant continue to implement this strategy, then so are all the people killed in the country will be calculated head of the 34th division, while Army soldiers will learn the brutal revenge.

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